Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's over

It's hard to believe but the Leader Development Seminars are over for 2008. Thanks to each and every one of you that presented a session. You made this event a success.

In the coming days, we'll upload any pictures we have from each of the seminars. If you have any, PLEASE send them to me via email. We'll also include the slideshow from the closing session will also be posted soon!

If you have any stories from the LDSs, send them my way--we want to post them here.
Can't wait for 2010 and another series.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

from Susan Leibman

Useful, relevant sessions are one of the best things about an LDS, and Norma Ritter is one of the best things about La Leche League. I attended Norma's latch presentation at the Baltimore LDS in 2002, and I immediately loved her so much that I determined right then and there to be a Leader for the rest of my life. I knew I'd laugh and be inspired all over again, so I signed up for a second go here in Albany. I wasn't disappointed! With her trademark humor, Norma reminded us how smart babies are when we let them run the show. It was fun to realize that 90% of what I tell a new mother about latch even all these years later comes right from Norma's excellent examples . . . and I got a new tidbit today about using the breast to encourage the baby to open wide ~ assuring a deep latch and positioning the nipple perfectly in baby's mouth. Thanks, Norma, for another wonderful session, and for continuing to offer your gifts to La Leche League!

from Yoko Taylor

I attended the 4 LAD track sessions today. It was wonderful to see 6 women who were really bonding together. They really got to know each other and worked to make progress on their applications. It was great to see them get to know each other and then work on their exercises with a lot of synergy. What a wonderful way to connect the women and create positive energy in new Applicants.

From # 3 of the 5

This is Desiree O’Clair reporting live from Albany. I am feeling the LLLove. Keep the faith.

From Mary Kay Linge of Staten Island, NY

Hugs and laughter, serious talk and light conversation, chips and hummus and some good mixed drinks…it’s the first night of LDS Albany, and we’re off to quite a start.

A great joy of a Leader gathering like this is greeting the faces you’ve seen before and introducing yourself to people whose names you recognize but whom you’ve never before met (hooray for nametags!). Meeting the new babies born since last LDS, and exclaiming over how much the former baby has grown, is pretty wonderful too.

Best of all is the energy exuded by a group of women so committed, so passionate, and so unified behind one goal: helping mothers breastfeed their babies. As I told my Group’s mothers before I left, “Call my cell anytime this weekend if you have a problem – I’ll be surrounded by about 150 fantastic Leaders, so I’ll be able to find the answer to any question!”

Thursday, July 24, 2008

thurs from Kristin

Hi Everyone,

I’m in Albany at Traci’s house. It is so wonderful to be in another LLL home and to be around little ones. Traci’s kids are 6, 2, and 6 months and so much fun to watch and enjoy. When Traci and I were doing the District Workshop “tour” last spring I spent quite a bit of time with Ryan (2) and Ameilia (6 months) and it’s great to be here with them again. Ameilia has grown so much since I last saw her in April, but now she will have nothing to do with me. Ryan on the other hand warms up so quickly. He ran out to the car to great me, gave me a high-5 and helped me carry in my bags.

So my morning started out slowly and nothing seemed to go my way. First my alarm didn’t ring so I got up an hour later than planned, but we got out of the house and to swimming lessons by 9 and I got the kids to my friends at 10:30. I didn’t hit the road until close to noon because this morning as we were trying to escape I got two calls from moms needing help so I needed to return the calls before I left, so I did that at my friends house. I’m glad they weren’t too detailed, because I had no resources with me.

The drive north was uneventful. I stopped once for a potty break, and once to get the directions out of the back of the car – I know I should have done that before I started out. I got a little turned around when I got to Albany and saw gas for $4.17 / gallon so I filled up. (Gas on Long Island is about 15 cents more.) I walked into Traci’s at 4:30. The house smelled amazing; Traci’s mom is an awesome cook and dinner was cooking. I love going to Traci’s house.

So we have spent the evening working on some NY-E conference stuff, we’ve brainstormed for our session on Saturday, and worked on planning our Team Meeting for September (my last as ACL – yippee!!!) Now it’s time to turn in. Tomorrow will be the first of three fun filled days. Traci has a Conference Department workshop starting at 10 AM and I have my Leader Department workshop at 11 AM. Since we are driving to the Best Western together I will need to find something to do for an hour. Maybe I’ll crash the Conference Department meeting for an hour. Maybe I’ll just look for more coffee.

I can’t wait for tomorrow to come – it’s almost like waiting for Christmas morning!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

more from Kristin

Well we are getting down to the wire. I’m running out of time yet I sit here Blogging. My father often called me “Miss ProKristination.” Yea I know I should be packing. I’m getting so excited. I just sent an invitation to the NY-E Leaders for a Meet and Greet in my hotel room before the opening session. If you will be at the LDS feel free to stop by!

You would think I would have learned to write down the sessions I have signed up for, but I never do, so earlier I was looking at the registration booklet (that is just beautiful by the way) and trying to remember what I signed up for. So many sessions look appealing and what looked the best when I registered may not be where my head is now. Well whatever sessions I go to I know they will be great.

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I need to have my boys organized for tomorrow to be at my friend’s and go to music lessons and maybe the town pool and then ready for my mom to pick them up Friday to go to swimming lessons and then to her house overnight. Now at 11 and 13, with a list, they should be able to accomplish this themselves – yes? Well evidently not with out a fight! I hate when they fight! I need a session on dealing with brothers fighting! So they are now packed and music practiced and instruments put away. Now for me.

My goal for the morning is to leave at 8:45 for Steven’s lifeguarding class and not need to return home, just drop them at my friend’s at 10:30, stop at Dunkin’ Doughnuts for coffee for the road, and hit the road for the LDS! I’ll let you know tomorrow if I meet my goal.

See you soon!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 2, Kristin Carter

WOW! In about 48 hours I will be on my way to Albany. Yesterday I was feeling like I had all the time in the world, now I feel like there’s so much to do before I leave. Why am I leaving so early you might ask – well on Friday there is a workshop for Area administrators (read that Team) and I am in my final days as the ACL for NY-E, but I still get to go to the workshops and our new ACL should be there as well, but she has not officially been announced so very few know who she is … hehehehe …I’ve got a secret … shhhhh ….

So Thursday’s are our busiest summer days in my family. The boys (Steven – 13 and Andrew – 11) have swimming lessons every morning and on Thursday afternoons they have music lessons. That’s is, that’s all they HAVE to do all summer. It’s wonderful! But I’ll be gone Thursday afternoon, so I had to get my girlfriend to take them to music lessons, which by itself is no big deal, but going to music lessons means they need to bring a cello, French horn, and a trombone with them – that’s three fairly large instruments, and music. So I need to organize that stuff and then Friday my mom is coming to take them to swimming and to her house over night so I need to organize an overnight bag for them.

So Thursday night I am staying at my friend (and NY-E ACS) Traci’s house, then we will go to the Best Western Friday morning for our workshops. Spending Thursday night with her will be productive since we are presenting a session together on Saturday and have had little time to prepare for it. I wrote the outline and we have discussed ideas, but we need to have more of a plan for Saturday. Traci and I make a great team. We spent the late winter - early spring traveling around NY-E presenting four District Workshops, so working together comes naturally. We are presenting “Taming the Email Tiger” which is kind of scary since I currently have 803 items in my inbox – somebody tell me to delete!

Well since I have so much to do in the next 48 hours I should go do it instead of sitting here blogging. Oh one important thing on my to do list is stop at the liquor store and pick up some vodka and cointreu so we can have cosmopolitans Saturday night!


Monday, July 21, 2008

Kristin Carter

I’ve so enjoyed reading bits from the first two LDS’s. I am anxiously awaiting my travel to Albany at the end of this week for the final 2008 LDS. I was just starting my packing list and trying to decide what to take. I’m fretting over Saturday Night’s talent show because I signed up a bunch of us to perform, but haven’t done much to put the talent together It will all work out in the end – it always does!

If you have never been to an LDS let me say, you are missing out on a spectacular event. I attended my first LDS in 1998 in Connecticut. I had been accredited the previous April and this was my first LLL conference experience! I was instantly hooked and a conference junkie was born. Having a huge conference experience list including three LLLI conferences and Area Conferences from 5 different areas, the LDS is by far my favorite. The LDS is an intimate experience, not a huge LLLI conference of thousands. Everything is tailored to the needs of a Leader, unlike an Area Breastfeeding and Parenting Conference where moms and families are catered to. At an LDS, my needs are met through continuing education and social interaction.

I can’t wait to reconnect with old friends and meet some new friends. I hope that some of the negative feelings that are out there can be left in the parking lot and an amazing weekend can be enjoyed by everyone attending.

Can’t wait to see you in Albany!

~Kristin Carter

Sunday, July 20, 2008

From Stephanie Joran

Hello! I'm at the Alabama LDS. All is going well. But...last night
Jolie Black Bear's vehicle was stolen from her hotel parking lot.
Needless to say she and her family are devastated. Bank statement,
other personal information and her hubby's eagle wing and ceremonial
peace pipe were among the items in the vehicle. These last two items
cannot be replaced. I went to the hotel to pick her up this morning
so she could present her session and allow us to surround her with
LLLove. We are working on getting her home (2 hours from here). We
are also taking up an offering of money from everyone at the closing.
If you would like to help Jolie, please do so. This was their only car.

Sad for Jolie and her family today.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

UGH- Computer technology

Here I am at the Alabama LDS and SOOOOO wanting to get people to blog but the internet issues are worse here than at Virginia Tech. No wireless or even an Ethernet connection. A couple of computers in a room that secret passwords and we can only sparingly use.

I'm hoping to have some attendees come in and blog this evening and worst case, they will send their reports after and I'm upload them. I can say that it will be much easier in Albany as the Best Western has free wireless.

The good thing about the weekend? Everyone is laughing, smiling and seem to be having fun. Right now, they are enjoying a game and chatting evening as no one volunteered for the talent show. And thanks to Elizabeth Dunaway, Huntsville, AL Leader, they are enjoy amazing homemade desserts. yummmm!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Krystal McDonald

I'm back home now from the Virginia LDS. It had such a wonderful impact on me that I wanted to share my after thoughts. This was my first LDS and it far exceeded my expectations. It was a great weekend filled with new friends, education and networking. I had the opportunity to spend time with multiple generations of LLL women. I have a new understanding of the roll of the LLL Leader beyond her breastfeeding years and what a vital roll she plays. The end of my breastfeeding time seems very close for me and I came to the LDS to find answers to what my roll is post-breastfeeding. I'm now assured that I have many options of how to serve LLL and my career as a LLL Leader is far from over. I also got a chance to get to know a number of the leaders in my area, some of which I'd met before and some of which I had not. The sessions were great. I particularly enjoyed the technical session on low milk supply. As a non-practicing chemist I just ate up the technical information. It inspired me to pursue serving in the PL office and/or become a lactation consultant in the future.

I do write this little summary with a purpose. I encourage any leaders and/or leader applicants to attend an LDS in the future. What an energizing experience that shouldn't be missed. I look forward to my next LDS.

Krystal McDonald
Leader, LLL of Springfield, VA

Monday, July 14, 2008

Erin Moore

I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend the 2008 LDS at Virginia Tech! I took lots of photos and met lots of new friends!

On Friday night, we had a North Carolina Area Meet & Greet, which was very lively, as usual. It was wonderful to see fellow NC Leaders all in one spot again! It reminds me of how strong our Area is and how rich in talent, too! I believe that we had 33 in attendance from NC...that’s FABULOUS!

On Saturday, I attended a great session by Sue Hudler on The Art of Asking Questions. She really knows her stuff and I can see that we are so fortunate to have her in the Communication Skills Department—she brings her message with lots of humor and warmth. The entire group seemed to participate and...ASK QUESTIONS!

I was leading during the next two sessions. My first topic was Creative Community Outreach and my second was Helping the Large-Breasted Woman to Breastfeed. I really enjoy leading sessions at events, and I tend to run them more like meetings, calling for lots of appreciation and even brainstorming among the group rather than talking AT attendees. I like to have a rough outline of what I am doing, but leave room for others’ ideas. It’s not as formal as some, or as I would like, but I admit that’s my style. It does get everyone involved and I feel like, especially since it’s an LDS where it’s all Leaders and applicants that it helps for everyone to realize that even speakers are just Leaders, too! ;-) I always get a bit nervous before I speak, but my few years of speaking in front of the groups at Area Conferences has helped to get me out of my shell a bit.

As I sort of float through the LDS (and LLL in general), I wonder if other Leaders also wonder quite where they fit. I know what my job is, but I really have not been a Leader for THAT long and even though I jumped right into it in my typical style and found things to keep me busy, I still feel like I am trying to figure out where I belong and where I fit in this organization...even in my own Area...Department...everything. I do feel like the connections that we make at these events and conferences and such are so magical and I do remind myself to step outside of my comfort zone of who I know and tap into the wisdom and company of Leaders that I have never met before, have only heard of, or have met in passing previously. There is so much experience to learn from, so many women with the same passions and goals that even if I am sitting with strangers at a LLL event, I am HOME!

I was in charge of setting up karaoke on Saturday night and was so lucky that my Leader friend, Kristen (who is a very talented singer and blew everyone away), that I drove to VA with was able to do so much of the preparation since I was in back to back sessions with little time to physically get things ready. The Saturday evening karaoke/talent showcase was very, very entertaining and I was impressed by Kathy Kerr on the fiddle and she played a duet with a Leader’s husband who brought his acoustic guitar! It was fabulous. The kids were the first to get up and sing karaoke and tell jokes, brave!

The Closing Ceremony on Sunday was so encouraging and motivating with an update by each of the EUS Division Deparments and a heartwarming slideshow featuring Leaders and events from all over the EUS.

Like many Leaders and applicants who attend the LDS, I am re-energized, rejuvenated, recharged and ready to rock and roLLL!!


Erin Moore
North Carolina

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Debbie Chapedelaine

I just finished today's sessions. Every single one was great. I learned something new in each one. Quite a few things actually. The great thing about these sessions is the plethora of new ideas you get from other Leaders. I had a moment in one of my sessions, where I had a particular breastfeeding helping situation in the past that I've been searching for a better way to handle should it come up again. A leader gave me a suggestion that was absolutely brilliant! A truly "why didn't I think of that?" moment. Imagine if you will the "V8" bop on the forehead.
These revelations are the ideas and concepts that really stick with me for years to come. Better than reading an article in a magazine, online, or the BAB... and I do enjoy reading my Leaven and NewBeginnings, and other resources to keep current. I guess there is nothing better than one-on-one mother support... even for us LLLeaders. :)
Oh My Gosh... you should see the Quilt being raffled off. It's truly a work of art! I've purchased my tickets. Crossing my fingers to win. Several of the area groups have their Group Sales tables out and there is some spectacular stuff you just don't find anywhere else.
Off to dinner!!!
Debbie Chapdelaine
WBWC Webmaster
P.S. I forgot to mention the enthusiasm levels around here are positively invigorating! I've got such a "re-charge"!

slow going

Sorry that the blog post have been very slow coming. The internet connection that we were supposed to have in the sessions building was not functional most of the day. Now that some of us are in the dorm, maybe we can get more posted. Thanks for your patience.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Opening Session

I love LLL conferences. No where else can you see so many "Happy" babies! They're all smiling, laughing, exploring and of course breastfeeding. It's does my soul good to see this and the wonderful mothers making the same sorts of choices I did. I am not alone. That's one of the reasons I love coming to these conferences. Purely selfish. Meeting my own personal needs for encouragement, empowerment, and affirmation.

Another thing I love is running into old friends and making new. One of my suite-mates is a Leader I knew. She invited me to dinner with one her other Leader friends, and before we knew it, we were a group of 7. I now have 5 new friends.

The opening ceremony was brief but touching. Cindy Garrison was our special guest presenter from the LLL Board of Directors and she gave a nice tribute to Edwina Froelich, whose memorial will be tomorrow. Our seminar has been dedicated to her.

Well, I've got to get ready for tomorrow. I can't wait!

Debbie Chapdelaine

WBWC Webmaster

LLL Breastfeeding Helpline-US Leader

First night at Virginia Tech

After Kristen A. picked me up at my house, we drove the 2.5 hours to the Virginia Tech campus. We only stopped ONCE!

We arrived around 10:30pm and once we retrieved our parking pass, and as we were driving to the dorm buildings, we realized how gigantic this campus is and I hoped that we'd be able to find our way around once it was light.

Once we finally found our dorm and we ran into Martha and Donna in the lobby.

Our room is very cozy. Kristen and I are sharing a room and each have our own single bed. We have four other LLLadies staying in our suite and share a bathroom with 2 showers and two bathroom stalls. We were the only ones in our suite last night.

It's always a little bit strange the first night staying away from home, but I still slept pretty well.

Today, we didn't have any early sessions, so Kristen and I headed out to breakfast at IHOP and did some shopping near Christianburg. That was a lot of fun!

I came back to a meeting between the Leader Department and the Continuing Education Department and had a wonderful Panera lunch, including this absolutely fabulous Summer Corn soup.

We broke off after that into individual departmental meetings. Rhonda asked me to blog and put the computer in front of me, so here I am...blogging away...

Erin Moore
Statesville, NC

And it starts!

Hello! Today is the first day of the first Leader Development Seminar (LDS) -I'm so excited I can't sleep any longer. Never mind that I'll be busy all weekend and I should enjoy the chance to sleep in a bit--here i am wide awake at 6:30 am.

This weekend, the LDS is at Virginia Tech and we're staying in Peddrew-Yates Hall.

During each of the three seminars, I hope to have a variety of Leaders and Leader Applicants take a few minutes to post about the LDS-what topics they are attending, what they like about the weekend---just their thoughts at that time.

Hopefully, for those of you that couldn't attend, this will give you a glimpse into an LDS. An opportunity to enjoy the fun and maybe even encourage you to attend an LDS in 2010.

Rhonda Harris
EUS Division Seminar Coordinator