Friday, July 11, 2008

Opening Session

I love LLL conferences. No where else can you see so many "Happy" babies! They're all smiling, laughing, exploring and of course breastfeeding. It's does my soul good to see this and the wonderful mothers making the same sorts of choices I did. I am not alone. That's one of the reasons I love coming to these conferences. Purely selfish. Meeting my own personal needs for encouragement, empowerment, and affirmation.

Another thing I love is running into old friends and making new. One of my suite-mates is a Leader I knew. She invited me to dinner with one her other Leader friends, and before we knew it, we were a group of 7. I now have 5 new friends.

The opening ceremony was brief but touching. Cindy Garrison was our special guest presenter from the LLL Board of Directors and she gave a nice tribute to Edwina Froelich, whose memorial will be tomorrow. Our seminar has been dedicated to her.

Well, I've got to get ready for tomorrow. I can't wait!

Debbie Chapdelaine

WBWC Webmaster

LLL Breastfeeding Helpline-US Leader


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from those of you at the LDS.... please pass on greetings to all from me... Meg Sondey, down here in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. It truly is all about the moms and babies, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you are checking in on our LDS Blog! Wish you could be here too. And yes, it is all about the moms and babies :) Debbie C