Friday, July 11, 2008

First night at Virginia Tech

After Kristen A. picked me up at my house, we drove the 2.5 hours to the Virginia Tech campus. We only stopped ONCE!

We arrived around 10:30pm and once we retrieved our parking pass, and as we were driving to the dorm buildings, we realized how gigantic this campus is and I hoped that we'd be able to find our way around once it was light.

Once we finally found our dorm and we ran into Martha and Donna in the lobby.

Our room is very cozy. Kristen and I are sharing a room and each have our own single bed. We have four other LLLadies staying in our suite and share a bathroom with 2 showers and two bathroom stalls. We were the only ones in our suite last night.

It's always a little bit strange the first night staying away from home, but I still slept pretty well.

Today, we didn't have any early sessions, so Kristen and I headed out to breakfast at IHOP and did some shopping near Christianburg. That was a lot of fun!

I came back to a meeting between the Leader Department and the Continuing Education Department and had a wonderful Panera lunch, including this absolutely fabulous Summer Corn soup.

We broke off after that into individual departmental meetings. Rhonda asked me to blog and put the computer in front of me, so here I am...blogging away...

Erin Moore
Statesville, NC

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